So sweet, Em. I’m happy that you had the opportunity to attend the reunion. Reading about your Grandma conjures wonderful memories for me as well. She was a lovely woman and always a gracious hostess. The Farmall reminds me of your Uncle Al. Your mom told me once that she could hear him singing when he was on it out in the fields, so I asked him what he sang. His reply: “Old McDonald.” Jolly joker. I wonder if he remembers telling me that. I will say that Old McDonald doesn’t compare by a long shot to Preach You The Word. I was reminded of Jon when we sang it recently in church. Was that last week or the week before? Brain fog. In any event, it would behoove the congregation at the Synodical convention to sing it loudly next week. Whether it is or isn’t, we pray “Thy will be done.” Love always to you and your clan! ~ Aunt B

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Thanks, Aunt B! I appreciate the memories of Grandma and Uncle Al—ha! And you’re right about Old MacDonald. ;) Love right back!

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