"In short, I’d pick trumpeting myself proudly over actually serving my nearest neighbors."

This is incredibly convicting. Especially having just launched my own blog, or feeling the temptation to share my opinions on social media... Those likes and views are so tempting. And immediately gratifying, whereas cleaning up the fifth spill of the day is not, especially since another will likely soon follow.

But "am I seeking to please man or to please God?" Which priorities are actually the most important? What ministry is actually my highest calling?

If motherhood, marriage, and homemaking take second place too often I am failing n my vocations. Those other things aren't necessary wrong in and of themselves, but I definitely need to keep in mind what is most important. Thank you for this reminder!

I read and enjoy all your posts and I'll try to comment more often. This one in particular really spoke to me!

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Thank you, Jaimie. Your words are a reminder to me, too: the immediate gratification is so tempting, but the real service God sets before us in our familial vocations requires humility. Thank God in Christ He personified--incarnated!--this, and of all times of the year, how comforting to walk toward His manger. He shows us the Way.

Thanks again for commenting!

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